what you'll receive?
- up to 231 CZK/h gross* (38 808 CZK gross per month*)
- 10% hourly wage supplements for night/weekend work
- three-course hot meal for 29 CZK
- 5 week holidays
- free coffee, tea and water at the workplace
- FREE transport to work and back from many places
- free parking
- discount on Vodafone tariffs
- possibility of weekly advances
- you will always receive your wages on time in cash or on your account

what it's like to work at Amazon
duties & responsibilities
- handling shipments (scanning, packing, inputting into the system, transfers)
- clean, nice and air-conditioned working environment
- friendly approach
- interesting activities for you and your loved ones
- no uncomfortable work equipment and uniforms, you'll work in your own comfortable clothes

Гарна робота в Amazon до 231 крон брутто*
Дякуємо за зацікавленість до роботи в Amazon. Наразі набір закрито. Ви хочете, щоб ми зв'язалися з вами, коли вакансія знову стане доступною?
Я зацікавлений/зацікавлена
working shifts at Amazon in Dobrovíz
- we work in continuous operation
- working hours: 10 hours a day
types of working time:
- full time - work 4 days a week
working days:
- Fronthalf shift: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed
- backhalf shift: Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat
- donut shift: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri
- day shifts (7:10-17:20 or 7:20-17:30)
- night shifts (17:50-04:00 or 18:00-4:10)

free transport - bus routes
Comfortable, air-conditioned buses will take you to work and back for free on the following routes:
Do you already work in the Amazon distribution center and have a question or problem?

contact us
Do you have a question about getting a job at the Amazon distribution centre? Email us at nabor@randstad.cz
virtual tourWatch a short video or sign up for a virtual tour to see what it's like to work at Amazon distribution center.
*Maximum hourly wage, which consists of basic pay and contribution bonus for 168 hours worked.