In June , the number of job seekers decreased by 1,638 to a total of 272,684, and the unemployment rate remained at 3.6%. That is 22,892 more when compared to the same period of 2023. The unemployment rate dropped to 3.2% for men and remained at 4.0% for women.

woman on the phone
woman on the phone

A month-on-month increase in the unemployment rate was recorded in 23 districts, highest in the districts - Most (by 4.4%), Písek (by 3.2%), Vyškov (by 3.1%), Tábor (by 3.0%), Tachov (by 2.9%), Olomouc (by 2.1%), Domažlice (by 1.7%), Praha-západ (by 1.1%).

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In June, the unemployment rate remained stable due to several conflicting influences. On the one hand, there has been a recovery in the economy, driven by real wage growth and associated increased consumption. This has led to a greater demand for workers and a more optimistic approach to recruitment by companies. On the other hand, companies are not hiring as many people before the summer, and the offer of temporary jobs is not as high as in previous years, which counterbalances the positive effects.
We expect the unemployment rate to remain stable over the summer. On the one hand, the period of temporary jobs will peak, on the other hand, companies will not have the capacity to recruit new employees because of the holidays. The recruitment problem is characteristic for summer and happens repeatedly as candidates apply for a smaller number of interviews, especially blue collar ones. In addition, when workers' contracts end at the beginning of the summer, they often use the summer months to relax and travel and do not start their new job until the beginning of September.

Martin Jánský
CEO of Randstad Czech Republic

As at 30 June 2024, the Czech Labour Office registered a total of 263,552 vacancies. That is 2,965 fewer than in the previous month and 23,138 fewer than in June 2023.

On average, there was 1 job seeker per vacancy, with the highest numbers reported in the districts of Karviná (10.3), Bruntál (6.0), Hodonín (5.2), Děčín (4.8), Most (4.6), Blansko (3.9), Jablonec nad Nisou (3.9), Opava (3.6).

According to the latest available data, the seasonally unadjusted unemployment rate, processed by EUROSTAT for the purposes of international comparison, reached 2.6% in the Czech Republic in March, as compared to 5.9% in the EU27. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in the Czech Republic was 2.7%, compared to 6.0% in the EU27.

In the 1st quarter of 2024, the average gross nominal monthly salary* (hereinafter “average salary”) was CZK 43,941, which is CZK 2,884 (7.0%) higher than in the same period in 2023. Consumer prices increased by 2.1% during this period, and real wages increased by 4.8% as a result. The amount of salaries increased by 7.2%, and the number of employees grew by 0.1%. Compared to the previous quarter, the seasonally adjusted average salary grew by 1.7% during the 1st quarter of 2024.

Compared to the same period of the previous year, the median salary (CZK 36,651) increased by 5.5%, which corresponds to CZK 39,541 for men and CZK 33,793 for women. Eighty percent of employees received salaries between CZK 20,753 and CZK 69,219.

source: MPSV, ČSÚ,

* calculated to the number of employees in the national economy